Diwali just went by yesterday and I couldn’t resist sharing some pictures. Those of you don’t know ‘Diwali’ or ‘Deepawali’ is the Hindu festival of lights celebrated every year in autumn in the northern hemisphere.  One of the most popular festivals of Hinduism, it spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair.

Diwali is my favourite festival of the year. I just love the twinkling lights under the night sky; on the rooftops, doors and windows. Those sparkling and bursting firecrackers, lightened diyas all decorated around the home and on the streets. The aura is mesmerizing and the euphoria unbound. I wish I could embed them in this page and send them out to you. Since that is a bit impossible the pictures will have to make do. Hope you enjoy them.


Slideshow of my 2017 Diwali night 😉

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P.S. : My Diwali gift — Brand new kindle. Now I think I can die happy.


Also I wanted to share the satellite view of India on 2017 Diwali night. Notice north India lightened up like a dancing yellow. This is where I live and we celebrate Diwali fairy tale style. 😉



Wishing you all a very Happy DIWALI. Have a gorgeous day ahead.

